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A Message from World Missions Outreach 

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Ways to Get Involved, Partner & Give

 100% Volunteer Based | 100% of All Donations Go to the Mission

 WMO is a 501 c3 non-profit organization & an International NGO | All Donations are Tax Deductible

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What  Makes  Us  Different?

World Missions Outreach is revolutionizing the way you look at charity, missions & giving

World Missions Outreach

We are just as over the Sarah McLachlan, sad, shock factor, depressing images that have been used & abused to guilt you into giving. 


This method has desensitized the concept of real poverty & adversities. Are they real? Yes. Do we work in those areas? Of course; but the abuse of charity & the glamorization of poverty to guilt you into giving is not what we are about. 

We want you to feel excited to help. We want you to be a part of ending the generational cycle of poverty, not just enabling it. We want you to see the change! 

Have you ever watched one of those commercials and then 3 years later - it's the same commercial. No change? Why would you keep giving your money, time and effort into something that seems to produce no results?


At WMO we will never try to sell you a sob story. Yes, there are plenty of cases that would rip your heart out; but we will never exploit those stories in a glamorized way to enhance our platform.


Instead, we want to show you our success. We want to show you that your time, effort & donations are actually creating change for a better today, tomorrow & future.

How Do We Measure Our Success?

Simple! We measure our success by the success of our students that have gone through our program! We provide not just a handout, but a hand up! Our focus is on education & nutrition - physically, mentally & spiritually.


We provide students with a chance to learn & receive education through core fundamental courses & trade skill classes such as agriculture, woodwork, English, computer tech & more. This ensures no child goes home hungry.


We are giving students a chance at a different future. This isn't just a one time hand out that you will never know its effect. This is a way that we can truly measure the success of combating childhood hunger & end the generational cycle of poverty. This is how you change the future.

World Missions Outreach Nicaragua
World Missions Outreach Nicaragua

We have students who never imagined graduating high school that have gone onto college and now have prestigious careers. We have students who are now doctors, lawyers, translators and even teach at our WMO Schools.


In Nicaragua, more than 50% of students drop out of school to find odd and end jobs to help provide food for their families before they ever reach high school.


This is the now generation. These are the students who are going to make a difference in their communities. These are the faces of ambitious young adults who beat all the odds stacked against them! These are the faces of the Future

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Plan Your Mission Trip

We would love to host and serve with you on one of our Mission Trips with World Missions Outreach.


Intern with Us!

World Missions Outreach and Feeding the 5000 offer Stateside and international internships.


Volunteer Team

World Missions Outreach and Feeding the 5000 need Stateside and international volunteers

Making a Difference 

When you make a tax-deductible donation to WMOC you are affecting the lives of children and adults in need. Your charitable gift will help provide food, clothing, education & other daily necessities. You are directly changing lives physically and spiritually.

World Mission Outreach strives to create opportunities on every level for you to be involved in. Click the button above to learn more about Feed 5000, educational programs, feeding programs, mission trips, children's ministry, prison outreach, sponsoring a child and so much more.

World Mission Outreach's heart's desire is to reach the people of Nicaragua by meeting their spiritual and physical needs. WMO focus is on alleviating poverty through education & providing daily nutritional necessities. 

What Does


World Mission Outreach focuses on providing a hand up, not just a handout. Our mission is to end the generational cycle of poverty through education. We provide trade skill classes to equip our students with the tools to bring food to the table and career for their future. Every student is provided education in learning English, computer skills & agricultural.

-Provide 15,000 Children a Daily Meal
-Provide 5.4 Million Meals a Year
-Founded & Operate 3 Schools

-Founded & Partner with 70 Churches

-Facilitate 70 Feeding Programs 
-Host & Accommodate Mission Teams

-Link Children with Dedicated Sponsors  
-Community Outreach Ministry
-Medical and Dental Clinics
-Provide Trade-skill & Self-sustainability Education

-English & Technology Education Curriculum

-Agriculture Education & Crop Production
-Provide Education Scholarships for College Students

-Pastoral Community Coalition Ministry 

World Missions Outreach

"We believe in developing leaders who become catalyst that empower others to achieve success within their own communities"

-Amanda Sowards

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